Monday, January 2, 2012

Last Day of Vacay

I go back to work tomorrow after a lovely break, so I'm trying to figure out what to do with my last day of leisure. I finished crocheting the fingerless mitts and started working on a simple scarf to match, so I'll probably finish that up. I'm in the midst of re-reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, and it's calling my name as I type this. ;) Love that book! Our computer room (aka where we spend most of our time) is a literal wreck; there's wrapping paper, unwrapped gifts (still!), knitting projects (oops), and miscellaneous craft stuff (double oops) all over the place. The dining room table downstairs is in similar straits with gifts that need wrapping and boxing up for shipping. I have laundry to do and groceries to buy, and it would be nice to do yoga again today to stretch my achy muscles. The little bit I did yesterday helped immensely.

It's refreshing not to dread going to work. I'll get to see some pals and break out my new 2012 calendar. The structure of work days will help me get back into the routines I've let slide during this break. Each day that passes will bring us closer to spring and warmer weather. I have a girls' weekend in the works in February with old pals from my engine days. I have fun to look forward to. It's all good.

Time for coffee and some breakfast and some socks for my freezing feet!

Happy Monday, y'all. ;)


Lythrum said...
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Lythrum said...

I'm glad that you don't dread going to work anymore. It is bad enough to have to go to work, much less have it be an emotional drain. I'm glad you're getting some time off. :)