Monday, September 6, 2010

Just When You Think It's Safe to Visit Blogspot...

Well, now. About time I came back, eh?

2010 has been...interesting. Let's just leave it at that for now.

It's Labor Day Monday, and I have two possibilities in mind for today: either a trip to G'Vegas for another wallow in B&N, A.C. Moore, and Starbucks; or a trip to Swansboro for a long-overdue second wallow in The Salty Sheep yarn store.

Note: I do not need yarn, books, craft stuff, or calories. I just want all of these things. Well, except for the calories. But I digress. A lot.


I've been feeding my creative side lately by scrapbooking my visit to the Eastern State Penitentiary. Wow, that sounds like I did serious jail time...ESP is not a working prison now. It's a historical landmark in Philly, and those crazy ghost hunter people on TV swear it's haunted. Coworker Lisa convinced me to go whilst we were in Philly on business. We had so much fun. So it's taken me nearly a year to put all of my photos and such into order and onto pages, but that's okay. Next project: the U2 concert. *squee!!!*

As far as knitting is concerned, I'm working steadily on a bunch of UFOs (unfinished objects in crazy-knitter-speak). I unearthed some really old projects that are surprisingly well done and have been working on those as well as on the new stuff: a baby hat for a newly-pregnant friend, my leaf-vine scarf, an experimental scarf in periwinkle and cream angora.

I'm still eyeing the sewing machine and its pile of projects with some trepidation. I don't know what my mental block is with the sewing. Perfectionitis, I'm sure. I have a pair of Robby's summer shorts that need mending, a skirt that needs hemming, and a purse project that needs finishing. Nothing too difficult, yet I'm as skittish as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs. Pffft.

I'm sort of leaning towards hauling out some of my fall/Halloween stuff and putting it out. It still feels like summer outside, but the trees in the backyard have started showering gold and copper leaves all over the grass, and the sky has turned that particular shade of bright autumn blue. Weirdly enough, I'm more inclined to decorate for Halloween than Christmas this year. Maybe it's just too early to think about Christmas. Doesn't matter that some stores (who shall go unnamed) have started putting out Christmas stuff. Argh!


1 comment:

Lythrum said...

My vote is for Swansboro. Why? I don't know. ;) Good to see you back on pal, hope you stick around. Two posts a year isn't a very impressive record. ;)