Friday, January 1, 2010

A New Year

Happy New Year! I'm so glad 2009 is gone from my sight!

So, no big resolutions, really, aside from learning how to not have regrets and to not dwell on the painful stuff in the past. Notice I said "learning how to" 'cause I know it's a process for me. Did you make any resolutions?

No big news from my end, kittens, 'cause I'm still battling a stupid cold. I finished a truly excellent book (Marisa de los Santos' Loved Walked In) and bought a cool ottoman for my craft room, and that's about it for productivity today. I may take down the Christmas tree. Maybe. The only other for-sure plan is to go get Chinese food at some point soon. Maybe even drive to M'head 'cause the hubster has a gift card for Best Buy, plus I need an adapter so I can use a keyboard with the new 'puter (yes, it's finally hooked up, and so far, Windows 7 is not the antichrist). Why didn't I order a keyboard when I ordered the new 'puter? No clue. None. I must have been distracted by something shiny while I was --- oh look! A chicken!



Lythrum said...

I have been pretty tame with resolutions this year, becaue I have a very ambitious schedule with my classes. Here they are, in no particular order:
1: Eat healthier and try to get out and exercise more
2: We're trying to get our vehicle paid off
3: Finish up some crafting projects that I have laying around
4: Snorgle that baby girl of mine every time I get a chance!

Kat said...

Bwahaha! You so funny. Glad to see you back in the blogosphere. Now maybe I'll get off my duff and post more soon. 'specially since I have some cool pix just waiting to get up there!

I try not to make a big deal out of resolutions, but just do a bit better at living my life each day ;D