Monday, January 23, 2012

Back to Earth

Woke up this morning to a chirping cat whose chirping took on a slightly more sinister note when I saw can I describe this...scooting on her bottom along my bathroom floor.


My suspicions were confirmed a few minutes later when I turned on the lights. Sight was joined by smell. I would have been horrified had I not been worried about her well being. After a few minutes of discomfort, she obviously dislodged whatever was...stuck...and is now grooming in one of her favorite chairs.

I hope this isn't indicative of how the rest of my Monday will unfold. When you start out cleaning up smeared cat poo, surely your day can only improve.

Right? o.O

1 comment:

Kat said...

Yes. Absolutely! If that's how your day begins, it positively will improve! Anything else would be disastrophe (Liam's word!) Er, btw, I take it as not a good sign that you posted that at 2:something in the a.m.! Said to the insomniac by she who cannot stay awake!